God and Jesus
I love the Bible so much. I love that each year my revelation of the Word grows deeper and richer […]
I love the Bible so much. I love that each year my revelation of the Word grows deeper and richer […]
I was reflecting with God this morning about what it means to say “yes” and “amen” to Him. Often, we […]
This verse is the blueprint for our lives because of God’s sovereignty over all things and all people. Everything is […]
David wrote Psalm 9 directly to God (the Chief Musician) but what I love about this Psalm is the sense […]
David had just watched God deliver him from his enemies before penning Psalm 18 and the first words from this […]
Jesus was broken and poured out so that we may have eternal life beyond this one. Yet, this life that […]
I stood facing Rangitoto Island (New Zealand) and all I could see was ash lying on the ground. There was […]
I look around and see that the world still thrives on hate. The media shows endless stories that will rise […]
As I look around at the world, today, all I see is chaos! You only need to read the newspapers, […]
I can not begin to comprehend what Job went through. To lose everything that he knew and loved must have […]
Romans 8 has to be one of my favourite chapters in the Bibe. Some people struggle with this chapter, but […]
There are so many false gods in the world… So many people are blinded to this fact because I look […]
Yesterday, God was stirring me regarding this Scripture, but also speaking life into what it means actually to wait for […]
How many times a day do we actively seek God, speak with Him, and generally just “be” with Him? I […]
We all go on a journey with God, that shapes us regarding patience. It used to be a running joke […]
Imagine what it was like for Moses when he came down from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments, and his […]