Is Sin Crouching?
Our Motives Yesterday, we talked through how Cain and Abel knew how they were to worship the Father and that […]
Our Motives Yesterday, we talked through how Cain and Abel knew how they were to worship the Father and that […]
The Power-Struggle Yesterday, we went through the first part of Genesis 3:16, which focused on Motherhood for Eve, but today […]
Where sin began Interestingly, God addresses the serpent first because that is ultimately where the sin began We need to […]
Within the verses of Genesis 3:9-13, we can see exactly what has happened when God is asking the question “Where […]
Isn’t it “funny” with human behaviour when we know that we may have, or may want to do something we […]
Eve’s biggest mistake was allowing the serpent to speak to her. When satan asked her that fatal question, she should […]
“There were large trees all around me, and I saw a picture of embers floating in the night sky. Then, […]
Imagine only having one rule in life? I mean, that is essentially what God did with Adam – He gave […]
Some people think that the two specific trees mentioned in Eden are symbolic. That the tree of life represents Christ […]
It always amazes me how much more God can show us within the Scriptures themselves. I remember when I was […]
How incredible is this verse to see that God did not use seeds, but instead, the earth created fully-grown plants […]
I have been fascinated by creation since I was a little girl. The wandering of my mind allowed me to […]
Within the Old Testament, God had to speak of Himself as monotheistic – in other words, that there was no […]
This verse is a simple statement that God created everything that we know and are yet to see. But, then, […]
I can imagine that most Christians have prayed this prayer to the Lord (at some point in their lives) which […]
Scripture tells us that God’s thoughts are so much higher than ours, and therefore, we can find it hard to […]