Within the verses of Genesis 3:9-13, we can see exactly what has happened when God is asking the question
“Where are you?”
It should be the question that we ask ourselves daily within our walk with the Lord because as sin continues within our lives, we can see from Adam and Eve and even the countless others within the Bible that we simply go astray and move further away from God
When God asked that simple question, He knew exactly where Adam and Eve were, and yet, He was being merciful in allowing them the opportunity to come clean regarding their actions. Yet, in our humanness, it means that we seek to blame others rather than own up to our own mistakes, and if we can learn anything from Adam and Eve, it must be that we need to return to God as quickly as possible – to His loving and graceful embrace
This Father sent Jesus to be the shepherd for His lost sheep. That’s why Scripture says we need to know His voice because ultimately, if we have wandered, then we have wandered into satan’s path, which leads us to destruction, and therefore, we must know Jesus’ voice to get back to the Father
Friends, Adam had good reason to be afraid at that moment in Eden because he was in the presence of the Righteous Father, and Adam did not have the righteousness of Christ to clothe him, as we do, which saw that when shame had come upon Adam, he sought to cover up his sin rather than deal with it and seek forgiveness
This morning; God is asking us where we are too, so let’s go and spend time with Him, and ask for forgiveness of our sins rather than let shame control us, so that we then become the lost sheep
Categories: Genesis