Sarai was playing this song yesterday, by Hillsong Worship, and as a family, I realised that we were all singing in separate parts of the room, ”What a Beautiful Name” while doing our own thing. I love the power of the cross!
Today, as billions of people celebrate ”Good Friday” around the world, we are all reminded of the cross and the power it has over death
Today, Christian’s will sing and praise our Lord’s name because He has no revival, or equal because what the enemy meant for evil, God turned it for good
Death IS defeated because of Jesus’ sacrifice to break the power of sin within our lives – we will, therefore, live for eternity with the Father, when we accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour
And that my friends, is an amazing reason to celebrate! We have so much to be thankful for within our lifetime, but this one act of true love will always be number one on my list as to why we should thank Jesus
Friends, if you have never given your life to Jesus, or perhaps you have turned your back on your faith, then this morning, I want to ask you to make the best decision of your lives
Today, the angels in Heaven will be celebrating for your soul, if you say ”yes” to Jesus. Therefore, if your heart has started beating faster, as you read this, then I want to encourage you that Jesus is waiting for an invitation to come into your heart, and awaken your soul!
If you choose the path of life, then the Holy Spirit will come, within you, to guide, and to comfort, and remain with you, each day, to help you in your daily walk with Christ
So, if that is you, then I encourage you to speak out loud the following:
THANK YOU JESUS…Thank you, Jesus, that I believe that you died on the cross for me and rose from the dead to conquer my sin. I ask for your forgiveness because I am a sinner, yet, you love me anyway. Therefore, I choose to turn away from my sins, and I invite you to come into my heart, and my life, because from today, I will trust, and follow You, as my Lord and Saviour
If you prayed that prayer, then I want to be the first to welcome you to the family! I would encourage you to get in touch with me, and I will help you to find a church that is local to you (where possible) or I will gladly point you in the right direction, if nothing else
Friends, have the best Easter weekend, wherever you are in this world – I am going to spend it in my ”bubble” celebrating Jesus!
“We are sure of this because Christ was raised from the dead, and he will never die again. Death no longer has any power over him. When he died, he died once to break the power of sin. But now that he lives, he lives for the glory of God. So you also should consider yourselves to be dead to the power of sin and alive to God through Christ Jesus.”
Romans 6:9-11
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