I suffered from rejection from a very young age. This got worse as I became older after being told that my twin brother was ‘the favourite’ by different people in our lives
At an impressionable age, it kind of messes with your mind; and this, unfortunately, led me to make decisions that had consequences in the desire to feel wanted
I blamed my parents, and I blamed my twin. ‘It’s their fault’; but actually, looking back, it was mine, because I was looking for validation in all the wrong places
God has shown me that generally, we do not like to be compared to the next person. Yet the world seems to continually be in a state of comparison, which ultimately leads to the feeling of rejection. But whatever our desires are, it seems that we are all looking for one thing—to be seen in this world
”Oh, don’t worry; we wouldn’t dare say that we are as wonderful as these other men who tell you how important they are! But they are only comparing themselves with each other, using themselves as the standard of measurement.” 2 Corinthians 10:12
I know the comparison game well. I have played it many times, whether it was comparing my fashion style to my friends’, comparing my child’s behaviour to those kids who seem like Jesus Himself, or comparing my follower count on social media. I have played this game often and lost every time (and you thought you were the only one!)
Often in our own attempt to want everything to be fair, we can be tempted to think that God loves us equally, and therefore our lives should look the same as those with whom we are comparing ourselves
However, to say that God loves us equally is flawed, because the word ‘equal’ implies that His love can be measured, and it cannot. The same would mean for us to be replaceable with each other, but we are not because God’s heart is not divided into compartments
Friends, no one else can take the place of you or me, hence why God does not love us equally, He loves us uniquely, and therefore, I have realised that when we compare ourselves, it reveals our true brokenness and this is something that ultimately needs to be taken to God
So, do I see you? May not, but God does, and that is what truly matters!
Life’s Greatest Battles is now available for pre-order
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