I love to see God’s church around the world in action.
What I mean by this is that we are united in Christ, and no matter where we come to worship God – we can be in a Mega Church, or a quaint little country church to gather together – we all sing to Papa, we pray, we fellowship, and praise the One true King
Yet, after Sunday morning, we can forget that the church is not just a building. The church is a gathering of people who have a love for God, and each other
Many of us wish for peace, and throughout the world, we can hear people talk about it, but some of us struggle to humble ourselves, or put others first, or to love each other, as directed, for peace to occur
Reading this Scripture today, from the book of Romans, reminded me that we cannot edify or build each other up while we try to prove a point, or bicker over something, that in hindsight, seems ridiculous
Friends, this verse doesn’t say we must, or we have to bring harmony because God knows the areas in life where we can struggle the most
This is why Paul writes that we must “aim” and “try” to bring harmony and build each other up
I have been thinking about this a lot – as to why the “church” struggles with this – and it dawned on me after a conversation with my Pastor, that the church still hasn’t found it’s true identity
When we realise who we are in Christ, the overflow of this is love, peace, kindness, self-control etc. In other words, when our identity has been internalised as a Son or Daughter of the Living God, our soul’s realise that there is nothing to strive for, to argue against, to expect something, or demand our rights be heard…we are then free to love and laugh as we were created to do
Identity brings peace
Identity brings harmony
Identity brings a relationship with not only God Himself, as your loving Father, but each other as well, in that we are not alone
Today, I pray, that if there is something or someone whom we “struggle” with, my challenge is that, it says more about us, than them
Therefore, spend time with God, and ask Him to reveal the lie that we believe, so that we can start to walk in true freedom, and live in harmony together
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