I can imagine that most Christians have prayed this prayer to the Lord (at some point in their lives) which Isaiah spoke to Yahweh directly, in Isaiah 6:8
There’s a kind of romantic note to those words “send me”, a sort of internal passionate desire for God to release us and become like those “famous” Christian’s noted in Scripture who were worthy of the Hall of Faith in Hebrews 11
I know that I have prayed these words – numerous times – and just like most followers of Christ, we all desire to be “released” by God (to live a life that glorifies God), but deep down, in the 21st Century, there is this desire and vision attached to us maybe bringing multitudes of unbelievers to Christ; seeing multitudes be healed simultaneously; travelling the world preaching in the stadiums, or prophetically perhaps speaking into the lives of Royalty
We all want to be “someone” that God releases into greatness!
Yet, when I read the Bible so many times when people were released and given a mandate, they felt reluctant (Gideon), not qualified (Jeremiah), or they just didn’t want to go to where God actually was calling them to (Jonah)
When Isaiah was commissioned in chapter 6, he was released to speak hope to the people of Judah, but this wasn’t the glitz and glamour of today’s voices for the Lord, but more, like so many, they were rejected, belittled, beaten and even killed
Now, I am not saying that every person, today, is after fame and fortune, but our lives are so very different to what the disciples would have experienced when stepping out to preach the Gospel around the world
Friends, let’s understand that before we pray to be released, let’s weigh up the actual cost of our words. Don’t pray to be released to the Nations with rose-tinted glasses, but more when we pray for God’s will to be done, let’s faithfully remember that man can only take away our bodies, but it is God who can also take our souls (Matthew 10:28)
Therefore, let’s not fear the “what if’s” of the unknown because to be released by God is the most significant call of our lives
“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!””
Isaiah 6:8
Categories: Isaiah