So many times in life, I have tried to overcome things my way. In other words, I have put one foot in front of the other to get where I needed to be
In some ways, there isn’t anything wrong with this, and in other ways, everything is wrong with it
You see, God wants us to have a life of prayer because in doing so, it opens up Heaven to impact your life and others around you, but it also builds a relationship with God himself
Yet, if we are continuing to plough through circumstances on our own, then it stops miracles, signs and wonders from occurring when we choose to partner with God
I have learnt that I would instead go forward in God’s presence than try and do things on my own
I have learnt that God wants us to find our purpose in Him, and run the race set before us, but Scripture shows us that we need to submit ALL things to Him – why?
Because when we get up each day to go to work, we can either do so on our own, or we can spend time with God, and realise that the God of the Universe knows much more than us! Therefore, when we give our lives to Christ, God works out all things for us, according to His will
Friends, I said it yesterday, and I’ll repeat it today…if God is for us who can be against us? That is why I love the quote from Hudson Taylor. We can work ourselves, and things will happen in our lives, or we can pray, and God will work on our behalf for something to happen in our lives
And I don’t know about you, but there is a significant preference for what I know I’d prefer!
This morning, Colossians 4:2 reminded me that if we have prayed, and we are alert when doing so (in being sensitive to God’s leading) then let’s be thankful on the journey God takes us through, because God is faithful and loving, and I want Him to guide me until eternity
“Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.”
Colossians 4:2
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