I am the person who states that I have sixty-six favourite books (yes, the whole Bible) but there is something about Revelation that ”draws me in”
Maybe, it’s the mystery. Maybe, it’s because it’s the whole climax of God’s love story, but there is a particular verse found in Revelation 8:1 that is the real deal, for me!
I have said over time, that there are a few verses which literally ”stop me in my tracks” or, there are some verses that ”take my breath away” or, there is a lot of Scripture that ”gives me goosebumps” because I am visual person, and God has been gracious enough to allow me to ”see” far more than I ever thought possible
Yet, yesterday, as I read Revelation in my quiet time, the verse in 8:1 did all three of the things mentioned above. Yesterday, God showed me an image of Heaven – remaining silent for thirty minutes – and, I cried
This is the part in Scripture that sees Jesus (Who is the only One worthy) open the scroll with the seven seals. Revelation doesn’t explicitly give context to what is actually written because the scroll can’t be read until fully opened. However, after each seal is broken, by Jesus, a specific event happens, which is described by John
Then, when we read that the seventh seal is broken, John says that Heaven goes quiet for around thirty minutes…
Heaven is quiet…
My brain went into overdrive as I saw a myriad of angels who would usually be singing praise to God, day and night, simply stood still. No sound. Just a vacuum of silence
Friends, think about this…when the seventh seal is broken, it literally stops Heaven worshipping God…I believe this is because of the awe of it all
Today, think about this verse. Think about Heaven stopping for thirty minutes. Think about how awe-inspiring it must be, to witness the fullness of God’s plan, of seeing Jesus reign over the earth, come to fruition
God is incredible, and I don’t know about you, but I am excited for what is to come
“When the Lamb broke the seventh seal on the scroll, there was silence throughout heaven for about half an hour.”
Revelation 8:1
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