Be Like Abram

I have been thinking a lot about Abram and Sarai’s journey with God recently, and the length of time Abram waited for some of God’s promises to come to fruition

There were twenty-five years between Abram being told he would be a Father until Sarai became pregnant, but during that time, Abram went from faith-filled to faith-less

God reminded Abram of who He was in Genesis 17:1 because of the length of time since Abram left Haran. Yet, the exciting thing for me was although God confirmed He is El Shaddai (God Almighty) God immediately reminds Abram in the same verse to serve God faithfully and to lead a blameless life


Friends, because God is outside of time, the desires that He has for us are not constraint by age. God does not fear us having to wait, because the journey itself is what brings a blessing. In other words, as we learn to press into God, and trust in Him daily, our faith builds into what is needed, to fulfil our purpose and destiny

Therefore, just like Abram, we need to remain faithful to what God has shown us. We need to remain faithful that El Shaddai cares enough for us to do what He has foretold, but that He is powerful enough to provide for our every need

Therefore Genesis 17:1 is convenient in itself. We just need to remember that God will always be there for us because He is God Almighty…we just need to try our best, every day, and remain faithful to Him in the process

“But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day.”

2 Peter 3:8

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Rebecca Brand

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