I came home from work recently, and I cried. Kieren asked what was wrong, and I explained that I had gone the whole day without moving with God, because of the craziness, and I had forgotten to ”pause.”
The irony of it all, is that I preach and teach about this, but most of all…this is what I live for. I want all of God – every day. His presence. His love. His guidance.
This, honestly, left me distraught, and my soul was crying out for God because I didn’t feel ”myself.”
And so, my amazing husband, put on some ”William Augusto” soaking music, lit loads of candles, and made room for me to ”breathe” with God.
With that first breath, tears poured down my face and then all I heard was ”I am here.”
Friends, for some of you, you might think I have gone coo-coo, but I have always been drawn to the presence of God. For me, there is nothing quite like it.
Yet, it is in my relationship with God, that He has allowed me to find myself, in who He created me to be, and for that, I am eternally grateful.
With God there is no pretending. No pretense. No judgement. No assumptions. Just unequivocally pure love.
Therefore, because God is my place of refuge…my place of Hope…and He is my place of Joy, I will tell you, all, of what He does for me so that you will realise what He will do for you too
“But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may tell of all your works.”
Psalm 73:28
Categories: Psalm