There was something about this verse this morning, that made me ”pause”
We will all go through life, where there are seasons of plenty, and we are sincerely thankful to God; but then, there might be seasons of lack, where thankfulness then becomes the choice of our hearts
How many of us find it hard to be thankful when life gets hard?
I always find that the Holy Spirit will prompt me if I become unthankful because there then is an ability to become disrespectful to the One who gave it all
I have learnt that it’s all about perspective because this life will always provide ups and downs. However, God desires sincere thanks, trust, and praise as a sign of our faith in Him
Yet, that can only come when perspective changes our hearts and we realise that God’s love never ends…He is always on the throne…and God always has the victory
To sacrifice to God, meant there must be a cost. The cost for us is trusting God beyond our circumstances, and having a life of thankfulness, rather than choosing that one day we will be thankful, and the next day we won’t.
Friends, thankfulness initially has to be a choice, but once this becomes our daily ”sacrifice” it becomes more of a desire to be thankful, and then ultimately a lifestyle
Therefore, today, choose to be thankful in all circumstances, because if we have accepted Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life, then from those vows, we need to remember that God does still love us (no matter what is happening in our world) and He is always in control
“Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God, and keep the vows you made to the Most High.”
Psalm 50:14
Categories: Psalm