What do you treasure the most in life? For some of us, it might be a relationship, a memory, a letter, or even a song. Let’s be honest, the possibilities to that question are endless, but for me, it’s simple, I treasure the Bible
I absolutely love to spend time in the Word. Whether it’s 10 minutes on a break, or delving in with a Bible study. The treasure that I find, when God brings that direct revelation to my heart, is like nothing that I have known before
The Bible is, and will always be, the love of my life. Because it’s from there, that I learnt what true love is. It’s from there that I learnt (and continue to learn, who I am). Yet, most importantly, the Bible shows who He is. God – the One who died to set me free.
God is my heart’s delight, and if I can get to know Him more by reading His Word, then I choose the treasure chest for my soul
Categories: Psalm