If you don’t know by now, I have a hunger for God’s Word. I love the Bible, not only regarding everything it stands for but also the resurrection power it has had over my life, is nothing short of a miracle – I am walking proof of the Gospel!
I remember reading this verses found in Matthew 13, and my heart skipping a beat when I saw with my own eyes that the secrets of Heaven have been given to you and I. The thought of understanding and knowing my heavenly Father even a tiny bit more, filled me with joy, in how I could use my life on this earth
How many people know and understand why they have been placed on this earth in the first place? It still shocks me that people believe their 9-5, being ”nice” and paying their taxes on time, is it!
Friends, we are responsible for using what gifts and knowledge we have received from God, well. These talents, or gifts, we have been given, are not only for ourselves to enjoy, but to impact the world for Jesus
With knowledge and understanding, brings wisdom. This Godly wisdom allows us to become influencers within our sphere, to bring about change. We are called to set the hearts of those lost, free, and for strongholds to be torn down, because satan flees at the sound of Jesus’ name, but we only understand this when we truly seek God. When we search for Him, and when we open our hearts to hear God’s truth
The only reason I blog most days is my prayer for freedom in this world. I love the revelation that God gives me within the Scripture’s, but these truths have literally impacted people around the world, because that is the power of Jesus Christ – when He sets you free, you are free indeed
Imagine if we all woke up today and asked God for revelation within the Word…so that we could then use that to impact the world!
Jesus said ”follow me” and ”do as I do” for a reason. He read the Scriptures, prayed with God, and changed the world as we know it, with that knowledge received from the Father.
Therefore, that is my prayer for us all today, because, as a child, we loved to hear the secrets that we weren’t supposed to know. Yet, as a child of God, we have access to all the secrets of heaven, but the only requirement is that we have to ask!
Spend time with God today, and ask for revelation
“He replied, “You are permitted to understand the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven, but others are not. To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge.”
Matthew 13:11-12
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