Only this week, an expectation hasn’t been met in my life. It wasn’t even a subconscious one either, but the effect was that my soul was shattered into a thousand pieces, and honestly, I have cried, a lot
I am by no means perfect, and I don’t try to be. I try to live a life as honest as I can and hopefully point others towards Jesus, but sometimes there can still be “junk” in our lives that God will either pull up that root or, something happens in our lives, which brings an unexpected reaction from within
I have done this journey long enough to now know that it just shows that another layer has been taken off, as I continue to draw closer to God. This means that when the unexpected happens, we can choose to either let that expectation go and walk with God, or choose a barrage of emotions which eventually lead us down a path of brokenness
That is where the real problem lies and why expectations based on human values alone can cause so much pain and trouble, not only within our lives but also for others as well
Friends, loving others without expectation involves a selfless life. It shows others that we care! It’s not about the rules. It’s not about keeping the law like the Pharisees tried to do. Jesus came to fulfil the law by showing that He loved us so much that He died so that we may live!
This is why God’s promises should be our only expectation in life because we should know that God will fulfil His Word because He has done it before when Jesus was raised from the dead!
“Not a single one of all the good promises the Lord had given to the family of Israel was left unfulfilled; everything he had spoken came true.”
Joshua 21:45
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