This morning, I took this photo as I looked out at the front of our home. The sun was just rising, and the light was so beautiful on the water. It looked like an oil painting that the Lord had just painted for me, as I spent time with Him.
Then, the song ”Endless Hallelujah” from Bethel Music came to mind. It has been the song of my heart over the last few days, and as usual, I have, therefore, been playing it continuously.
The lyrics are stunning, and it is a true reflection of what our relationship with God should reflect.
Friends, God is with us every second of every day. We might not see Him through it, but have we taken our eyes off our circumstances?
What I mean by this is, sometimes, we get so caught up in our own ”stuff” that we forget to look around at the tiny details that God has created for His glory. The countless miracles of life all around us. The intricacies that reaffirm that God has ultimate control of this world.
The days that my thoughts are focused on God…at the morning dawn…throughout the day…and as my eyes close last thing at night…that is when I feel closest to my heavenly Father, simply because I receive His peace.
Plus, if He can paint that ”oil painting” for me to simply make me smile each morning, then I know that He also has everything else under control because I’m looking to God
Today, let God be your first, and last thought
“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!”
Isaiah 26:3
Categories: Isaiah