God is perfect in His nature (Matthew 5:48) and His character (Psalm 18.30)
Therefore, God lacks nothing, and He certainly doesn’t need anything, because He is complete…in every way…mind-boggling don’t you think?
Yet, we are all imperfectly perfect.
We are all made in the image of God, and so, there is hope, because as we journey with Him, our ”sinful” nature will die as He becomes greater within us.
Instead of hate, we love – as commanded – therefore, we focus less on the ”why we love” and more on the actual impartation of ”showing love to all.”
Instead of offence, we learn forgiveness
Instead of rejecting others out of pride, or jealousy, we accept people as they are, and just like Jesus walking with us every day, we are able to journey with others to find the freedom Christ died for
Friends, are we perfect? Absolutely not, but rest assured that if God will never leave us, then taking each day at a time, means that we learn how to become blameless, in Christ, because by faith, we become righteous through Jesus…
In other words – by turning to Jesus every day, it’s the faith in Him, that produces Godliness in us. We start to see the fruit of the Spirit working in, and through our own lives
Don’t be afraid of change. We need to be that beacon of hope to those around us, and although at first, we might feel uncomfortable in letting go of who we originally were…becoming who we were destined to be, can surely only be a good thing?
Categories: Psalm