Lamentations remind us that sin brings pain and tears – this is the reason Jeremiah was called the “weeping prophet. Yet, God is always ready to show us mercy when we come back to Him.
God responds when we ask Him for help, but sometimes it’s a pride thing or even fear, that stops us from seeking God because we think that He will never forgive us.
I realised that God’s love and mercy are so much more than anything we can do in this lifetime!
Therefore, hold onto God’s promises and His faithfulness, because we read in the Bible that God’s mercies are new each morning (it means that He will forgive if we ask and we receive a clean slate each day) and that as far as the east is from the west, God removes all of our sins from us (in other words, He’ll keep on taking our sins away because that’s the price Christ paid.)
If shame is stopping you from coming back to God then, that’s a tactic from the enemy.
“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed” v22
Shame is not our identity and if it’s consumed you, I encourage you to read Lamentations 3 because it gives us hope in the midst of our affliction that God will always be there to welcome us back with open arms.
Categories: Lamentations