God never intended for Isaac to be sacrificed, but instead looked to Abraham for his obedience to what had been asked. In Abraham’s eyes though, I can imagine this would of made no sense but God uses difficult experiences to strengthen our relationship with Him.
For instance, Abraham and Isaac travelled the approximate 50 miles in around three days. Abraham knew throughout that whole journey that God had asked him to sacrifice his beloved Son, Isaac. Obeying God is often a struggle because it can mean giving up something we truly want.
A new name was given where that event took place. Not only for the encouragement of all believers to trust in God, but more importantly – to obey Him.
Jehovah-Jireh means, “The Lord will provide,” and Abraham named it this because of God’s gracious provision of a substitute for Isaac. We often think of provision from a worldly point of view, but ultimately we are called to seek the “Kingdom first” and all other things will then be given (Matthew 6:33).
I love that Abraham said The Lord WILL provide and not HAS provided, because it shows that God is providing us a future; from The Lord, Jesus Christ. Everything else that God gives, comes from us being His Sons and Daughters.
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