How beautiful yet straightforward life must have been for Adam and Eve before the fall. The Scripture that always used to make me think about God’s design was from Genesis 2:25
This verse is the very last words of the creative story before things go downhill fast, for humanity
Yet, why would God emphasise nakedness and shame? I mean, I used to believe that it was bizarre that God created man and woman not to wear clothes, but clothes symbolise so much more
How many of us have naked baby photos of us as toddlers or even from our own child/ren where they have sheer delight in running around “free”, and this was the profound effect that sin had on us
Before the fall, guilt and shame had no place in our thoughts, our actions, or in our hearts and minds. Therefore, Adam and Eve didn’t look at themselves and wanted to hide. They were pure of thought and deed
Yet, as we will read in Genesis 3, satan attaches two emotions with the action of sin, and it changes our viewpoints forever. This is because Adam and Eve were innocent, having no sin or guilt, and thus had no shame. What happens in the next chapter helps us understand how valuable that condition of innocence really was
Adam and Eve lived as we see a naked toddler today. I used to admire Sarai (our daughter) as I would watch her while she played before bedtime. It made me smile how in love she was with her “freedom” to run around naked. But, isn’t it funny how, as long as humanity had no sin, we sensed no need for any coverings
God created us to be free, and although sin is a part of who were are now, God has made a way that when we find Him within our lifetime, we can walk in the freedom that Christ died for. Yet, although most of us would not run around naked these days, we can find peace in knowing that one day, we will be restored to being in God’s presence, and who we were ultimately created to be, and ultimately, our clothes that symbolise the need to cover up, in shame, will be gone
Categories: Genesis