This verse is definitely for every other impulsive person out there and me still on occasions!
Now being honest…
How much better would our finances, potentially, be if we didn’t impulsively “want that ____” and buy it?
Our world lives in a “need it now” society, and unfortunately, most people can be searching for that high of endorphins without even realising it
I had to learn the hard way because at one stage in my early twenties – when life was out of control – I hungered for those happy hormones, and so, I became a “shopaholic” to try and create a false form of happiness through impulse buying. This led to spiralling debts due to spending more than I was earning, and eventually, my bad habits came crashing down around me
We can learn so much from the Proverbs 31 “woman”, and although she wasn’t an actual person – more of an epitome of what to desire – those two words found in verse 16 change everything
She considers
Oh, how simpler life may become for us if we just stopped, paused, and breathed for a while!
Our intrinsic desires can get us into so much “trouble,” and I know for myself how amazing one good night’s sleep changes our minds. This is because emotions are fickle and ever-changing, and the reason why it is dangerous to do things based on high emotions without giving plenty of consideration as we read in this verse
This morning, I want to encourage us to remember to think before we act. Let’s bring God into more of our decisions, and let’s consider our wants, our desires, and even our dreams with Him
“She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.”
Proverbs 31:16
Categories: Proverbs