Last week, I took some time off to be with my family, but during those days, it allowed me to reflect on some thoughts that God has been speaking to me about
It still amazes me how many of us grumble, moan, or belittle each other within our Christian circles – let alone anyone outside of it – and this has been one of the things that I have been pondering, because it reminds me of the Scripture found in the book of James:
“Don’t grumble about each other, brothers and sisters, or you will be judged. For look—the Judge is standing at the door!”
James 5:9
The Greek word used here for grumble (stenazete) means to sigh or to moan inwardly. In other words, when James is saying don’t do this, its because ultimately when we grumble for that person…those people…or that people group…it can lead to resentment, and from this, the enemy can lead us down a path of judgement, which leads to us being judged as well
“Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged.”
Matthew 7:1-2
This is why James is saying not to do this, because Jesus will return at any point, and He sees what happens in our lives – He is, after all, omniscient. Therefore, there is nothing that we can do internally or externally that He doesn’t know about
Sobbering thought, isn’t it!
I spoke to someone, last week, about this, and as the conversation lengthened, I kindly reminded them that it is impossible to complain and moan about another individual if we are praying for them
“But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!”
Matthew 5:44
When someone does something against us, or things go wrong, we tend to grumble against and blame others for our miseries. But, blaming others is a whole lot easier than admitting our share of the responsibility, yet, the Bible says that this can be destructive
Today, I pray that we will reflect with God about any grievances we have regarding others and not only ask for forgiveness from God but also, to let go of these frustrations. Complaining to God may seem like the way forward, but I encourage you to re-read the Scriptures listed above, again
Categories: James