I realise now that the choices we make have eternal consequences, and just because we can do something doesn’t mean we should!
God gave the law (His commandments) to show the Israelites that they couldn’t achieve all that was asked in their own strength. Yet, just like Israelites back then, we still have freewill, today, to make decisions in our lives, as to whether we are going to glorify God in all that we do, or not
Some days I say something, and instantly the Holy Spirit will ask why I said it? My simple answer to Him is: I don’t know. This is because we can get so easily caught up in meaningless conversations that we end up engaging in gossip or slander. Yet, the purpose of God’s instructions to us is that, as Christians, we become filled with a love that is different from the worlds
I was speaking to the Father the other day, and a question popped into my head about how Kieren and I can lead the church to glorify Him as a whole
The phrase: “Stop and Think” came to mind, and I do believe that we need to teach people how to “pause” in the moment and to “reflect” on their thoughts, or actions, before they happen
I am a firm believer in taking every thought captive, and applying it to the mind of Christ, because in doing so (even once in our day) the enemy has had less control over our lives
To glorify God means to have a total commitment to Him and to honour Him in all that we do. Just like Jesus, every thought, word, and deed was done to bring glory to the Father, and yet, Jesus said with the power of the Holy Spirit, we would do greater things than Him in this world
Friends, to be filled with the Spirit means that we can love differently, think more clearly, and have a contagious faith. Therefore, when we are filled with the Spirit, we can live to glorify God because He guides us to do so. We just need to stop and think
“The purpose of my instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith.”
1 Timothy 1:5
Categories: 1 Timothy