Today, our focus will be on Mount Sinai, which stands at 7497 ft and is the second-largest Mountain that we will read about. Mount Sinai is located in Egypt.
I remember being in Egypt on holiday and looking over at Mount Sinai from afar. Kieren and I had planned a trip to the Mountain, but it never happened, and the tour that we were supposed to go with, was actually ambushed. So, although we felt blessed that we were kept safe, we still have that desire to stand on one of the most significant mountains within the Bible…we pray that one day it will happen!
Something to note: most scholars believe that Mount Sinai and Mount Horeb are the same mountain, but within Scripture, it is also referred to as “The Mountain of God.” (Exodus 3:1; 4:27; 18:5) Therefore, for today, I will just refer to this mountain as Mount Sinai.
We can read in Scripture that Mount Sinai is where Moses had the “burning bush” experience and was called by God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt (Exodus 3:1-12)
This is also where the Israelites entered into a covenant with God after they escaped captivity from Egypt (Deuteronomy 5:2). Still, also, Mount Sinai is well known as the place where Moses received the Ten Commandments for God’s people (Deuteronomy 5:6-21). It must have been on the one hand, an incredible sight to see the mountain covered in thick cloud with thunder and lightning from God’s presence. Still, on the other hand, utterly terrifying because they were commanded not even to touch the mountain whilst God resided there, else the punishment was death. Although I never realised that Moses walked up that mountain eight times!!
We can also read that Elijah fled to Mount Sinai to get away from Jezebel in 1 Kings 19:1-8, but that, in a cave he encountered God through a gentle whisper, which is one of my favourite passages in Scripture to read (1 Kings 19:1-18)
Mount Sinai has to be my favourite mountain in the Bible because of the events listed above, and the Godly truths that we can read about within Scripture from this location. Some places change your life forever, and Mount Sinai, to me, seems to be one of those places
“You came down on Mount Sinai and spoke with them from heaven and gave them right rules and true laws, good statutes and commandments”
Nehemiah 9:13
Categories: Mountains in Scripture