When Sarai is filled with awe and wonder, it reminds me of how I must look to a God when He reveals something new to me
I love learning about creation. I desire to travel the world and gaze upon discoveries and see the lands God spoke into being. I adore looking at information about the Universe and being in awe of the majesticness that we see all around us.
The more that I discover about the creation of the world, the more awestruck I become towards my Creator
Yet, where does our praise actually go? Is it inwards or outwards? When you are overcome by praise and adoration of Who He is – do we think to ourselves how amazing God really is, or, are we praising God out loud, so that everyone can hear, from us, how there is truly no one else like Him?!?
Indeed if this is the case, we should feel and express the reverence when we worship our God. Yet, how much of this is genuinely reflected of this within the church? The congregations almost seem silent in comparison to creation continuously singing God’s praises
Friends, the God who destroyed the Egyptians, is the same God who will scatter our enemies. Therefore, we need to remind ourselves to remain humble and seek God’s mercy, because then we will always find His love and grace
Let’s not forget that everything is His, because He created it all, and therefore, He is worthy of all our praise. Let’s not forget to praise God out loud, so that everyone around us will know His name, but also, that our praise is heard to the highest heaven
“The heavens are yours, and the earth is yours; everything in the world is yours—you created it all.”
Psalms 89:11
Categories: Psalm