I woke up this morning singing in my Spirit “The War is Over” from Bethel Music. It’s a song that I haven’t listened to for a while, but a song where my heart sings with a knowing reassurance of Who our God is
My favourite line in the whole song is “He is my battle cry” I remember singing this over and over during many battles within my journey, so far, but this morning as my Spirit sang out this song as I awoke from my sleep, I had an image of David and Goliath
The Cambridge Dictionary describes ”battle cry” as:
A shout given by soldiers as they run towards the enemy
Imagine David’s battle cry as he quickly ran out to meet Goliath (1 Samuel 17:48) Imagine how David had no fear of the enemy stood before him because he knew Who God was and if God was for David, who could genuinely be against him? And so, he ran triumphantly, with boldness and courage, towards the Giant who was killed by stones
I felt the Spirit this morning asking me to dwell in that thought of David running to meet Goliath
What is the “Goliath” right now in your life? What seems like an impossibility in the natural? Who is laughing around you when you say you want to fight?
Friends, I might not know what you are all facing, but I do know the God we serve
God gave me back my life that was literally being destroyed from the world around me, and that is why Jesus is my battle cry. That is why I run towards the enemy with a shout of praise. I do not fear because I have found my true identity, and therefore, His peace covers my doubts, and His love covers my uncertainties because as children of the living God, His promises are what we stand firm within
This morning, remind yourself of your battle cry. Remind yourself that the war is over because God has the victory. Therefore let’s stand firm in what is to come, and let the only cry of our heart be one of joy
Categories: 1 Samuel