I have been re-reading this Scripture over the last few days, and the more I do, the sadder I become, from the reality and weight of these two verses
All too often we have churches who would rather speak ”fluffy” or ”sugar-coated” sermons, from the pulpit, rather than speak the words that God has laid on their heart
There are also words being spoken – in the Lord’s name – that false prophets are prophesying within the Nations
But, what makes my heart break more, is the truth from verse 31, which says that God’s people love it this way…
How many of us, today, take what is spoken as truth? We listen to someone of influence, and yet, as long as the crowds are there, it must be true!
How many of us pull apart the sermon we heard on Sunday and apply it to the Word of God?
How many of us hear a ”prophetic word” and then sit before God to allow Him to speak to us through those things said?
Friends, the Bible says we need to be diligent because Satan is prowling around like a lion. He knows the Bible better than anyone of us, and yet, I fear, in today’s society there is complacency from being too accepting, rather than seeking God for truth, ourselves
In these last days, we need to understand that the thief has come to kill, steal, and destroy, but Jesus promises us abundant life – there is a big difference – but can we honestly say that we are seeking?
I encourage us to think about the ”Ten Virgins” from the Gospel of Matthew because all of those Brides believed that they were waiting for the Groom, and yet, when He returned, half of them were left behind
Jeremiah ends verse 31 with ”But what will you do when the end comes?” I think that this is a perfect question to ask ourselves today
“A horrible and shocking thing has happened in this land— the prophets give false prophecies, and the priests rule with an iron hand. Worse yet, my people like it that way! But what will you do when the end comes?”
Jeremiah 5:30-31
Categories: Jeremiah