I am in awe, every time, I read in the Bible that God speaks to a person directly
Most Christians would know the inner voice of the Holy Spirit, but I have only heard the audible voice of God twice in my life (I’m going to say ”so far” as I’d love it to be more) and both times, it was seconds of my life that I will never forget
Yet, in Job 38:1-41:34, God answers Job directly, and every time I read these Words, I can only simply say ”wow.”
These chapters show God asking Job a series of questions which no human could possibly answer, instead of God answering any of Job’s questions directly. This then sees Job responding by recognising that God’s ways are best, no matter what that looks like
For me, there was always a power struggle when I was an atheist (and also as a new Christian) because I foolishly assumed that I knew what was best for my life, and yet, everything above and below the heavens, I now understand are beyond human power to create or control
Friends, when God describes the leviathan, He is ”showing” us how foolish people can be to think that they can stand up to God, when (let’s be honest) we would be afraid to stand up this creature. Therefore, think about how much more powerful God is!
Yet, in the passage 40:8-14 it shows God is master over everything – including the leviathan – and the most important point God makes is that He is also triumphant over all forces of evil
We have to remember back to the very beginning of the book of Job, because satan thought he could prove God wrong with Job dishonouring Him, and yet, here, the accuser, has been proved wrong! Job is just unaware of it because Job and his friends never knew what ultimately happened
Let this account be an encouragement to you this morning because everything under heaven is God’s and thus, let us let go of control, and instead look to the One who knows what is best
We don’t need to understand the ”why” – we just need to understand (where possible) the ”Who” that can bring comfort in our times of need
“Who has given me anything that I need to pay back? Everything under heaven is mine.”
Job 41:11
Categories: Job