Have you ever heard very clearly of something that God wanted you to do, there and then, but you were disobedient by not doing what God had asked?
God had given me a specific word for the person next to me, but I was too worried about how I’d look if I spoke it out, and therefore, God got another person to say what I had been asked to speak, only a few seconds later
I used to think about the passage in Numbers 22 when God used anything He needed to get His message across, and in Balaam’s case, that was the talking donkey!
There are times when God will give us the grace, or time, to step out and follow His direction, and then there are other times, that when God speaks, He expects us to do it at that given time, but in both instances, it’s always about obedience
Balaam was a false prophet who turned the Israelites away from God, but God did speak to Balaam to give a message to the Moabites. Yet, God was angry with Balaam’s greedy attitude, because his desire for wealth from the king, blinded him so that Balaam could not see that God was trying to stop him from going to curse the people for money, and so, God used the donkey to speak at Balaam, and even though the donkey saved Balaam’s life, it made him look foolish in the process, so he lashed out at the animal
Friends, if we won’t listen to God, He gets creative, but we can either take His guidance (no matter how unorthodox) and learn from our mistakes or become prideful and lash out at others
Either way, God is looking for people that when we pray ”Here I am, use me” that we are obedient.
Let me encourage us this morning not to become blinded by fame or fortune, as was Balaam, but that instead, we are looking to God, every time, and saying ”Yes, and Amen.”
“Then the Lord gave the donkey the ability to speak.”
Numbers 22:28
Categories: Numbers