Woohoo!!! Welcome to the last day of the Proverbs Challenge. We did it! We about to complete this challenge after thirty-one days of insight, wisdom, and Godly perspective – how can that not change our lives over time?
If you haven’t guessed it, we are reading Chapter 31 today, so let me share my verse with you below:
“Reward her for all she has done. Let her deeds publicly declare her praise.”
Proverbs 31:31
I thought it appropriate to talk about the very last verse of Proverbs, but also, I found this verse very profound
My Thoughts: If you look back to the start of Proverbs, the book begins with the command to fear the Lord (1:7), and here, we see that Proverbs ends with a picture of a woman who fulfils this command
Her qualities are mentioned throughout the book – hard word, fear of God, respect for her spouse, foresight, encouragement, care for others, concern for the poor, and wisdom in handling money.
All these qualities, when we are following God’s wisdom and path for our lives lead to happiness, success, honour, and self-worth.
I honestly love the book of Proverbs (along with the other 65 books) because it shows me how to become wise, make right decisions, and live according to God’s ideal – so what is not to love?
My Reflection: To me, the picture given to us as the woman in Proverbs, is a picture of the ”church” as a whole, and her husband is Christ.
Scripture talks many times of the church being Christ’s bride and that ultimately, we were created for Him, for eternity
I love the notion of the church rising up to fulfil these commands because in doing so, we will always achieve the two greatest commandments of loving God and loving each other – and I don’t mean just our church family, because we are here also to bring the lost, home
What did Chapter 31 show you?
Categories: Proverbs Challenge