Welcome to Day 24 of the Proverbs Challenge, and today, we are reading through Chapter 24 of this incredible book of the Bible
Here’s the verse that I want to talk through, with you all:
“If you falter in a time of trouble, how small is your strength!”
Proverbs 24:10
My Thoughts: When I first read this, the exclamation mark really bugged me! Because I felt as if the reader was being scoffed at. But, when I looked at King James Version (which is as close as we can get to the original text), the exclamation mark isn’t there. So, this has been added for emphasis, to Solomon’s original point
My Reflection: Times of trouble can be a good thing by showing us who we really are and how our character has developed, from walking alongside the Holy Spirit
Thinking of Jeremiah – he questioned God because of the trouble he was facing, but then God asked Jeremiah how he ever expected to face significant challenges if little ones tired him out (Jeremiah 12:5)
Therefore, one thing in life is certain; challenges will come, so the question I ask is; what is the point of complaining?
Because of this, I have realised that what we face today is the training ground, for strength, to get us through difficulty in the future
Plus, the enemy isn’t going to put his demonic forces on God’s children, unless He thinks we are a threat
So, as the amazing Apostle Paul says (Romans 5:3-5) ”let’s rejoice” in the times of trouble because as a Christian, my strength comes from the Lord, and He is with me for all of my days!
What did Chapter 24 reveal to you?
Categories: Proverbs Challenge