How incredible is it, that God puts a song on our hearts to sing to Him? I woke up this morning with a song, from Bethel music, on my heart – “No longer a slave.”
This is one of Kieren’s (my husband) favourite songs, and so, we still listen to it a lot! But this song reminds me of what God does to set us free from the fear in our lives, and how He has shown us to be faithful, over and over again, because of His love
One of the lines from this song is, “You split the sea so I could walk right through it.” This brings to mind the Red Sea being split for the Israelites in their Exodus. Yet, God splits the sea for each and every one of us when we give our lives to Christ, because He makes a way for us to conquer the grave, when in the natural, it seems impossible. There are still so many of God’s children, who are free in the physical sense, and yet, they walk with around with spiritual chains. This is tragic because it shows people believe the lies of the enemy, over our miracle-working God. Yet, that one line is sung over us to declare that if the Israelites experienced freedom from slavery, then God can free us from our bondages of fear, and unbelief, in our lives
Friends, for me, it’s the first two lines of that song that grips me every time…God unravels our hearts to His truths; and then surrounds us with His song of love, and that is when I have found that any fear will flee
Therefore, as you listen to “No longer a slave” today, allow this song to remind you of the freedom that Christ died for, but more importantly, let these truths to open your eyes to the fact, that God loves you unconditionally, and therefore, He will free you from anything that is enslaving you
“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.”
1 John 4:18
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