Sometimes a new season creeps up on us before we have time to prepare, or before we even want it to happen
Yet, a new season allows our minds to grow and discover what God’s direction is for our lives, and therefore, new seasons can shape our minds into His way of thinking and thus, His perspective becomes ours
A new season pushes us to think about things in different ways because comfortability actually kills dreams! This is because we never want to push forward into new territory when we are comfortable within our surroundings
For some of us, the new is already here, and for others, you can feel that God is pushing you towards a new beginning. Yet, no matter where you find yourself, currently, if you have sort the Lord for guidance, then this is all part of His purpose for your lives
Friends, these last days call for drastic measures to keep us on the right path. There are so many distractions from life that for some of us we have forgotten that we are in stagnant water because familiarity is comforting in times of uncertainty
Yet, drastic measures aren’t shocking to the Lord, when He is paving new pathways for us to glorify Him. No, sometimes He guides us on a new path in our slumber so that when He opens our eyes, we are shocked into action
I love the quote from Kris Vallotton because a new season must have a new way of thinking
Therefore, this morning, I pray that God will bring that revelation to you because we are all currently in a new season whether we realise it or not. All of us paving a way into the unknown, but the exciting thing is that we get to partner with God and when He opens our eyes, we will see that the miracles have already begun
“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.”
Isaiah 43:19
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