Yesterday…was interesting
A good friend had directed a conversation into “Christian’s with tattoos” because their Mother (who was party to the discussion) simply believes that Christians with tattoos, must have low IQ’s and that it is a sin to have them
It took me a second to register the new direction of the conversation, and then I paused, as I saw hurt and pain behind my friend’s eyes, but also the damage that our words have within our earthly relationships
Both Kieren and I have tattoos – some before finding Christ, but for myself, most came afterwards. Yet, within society, we are classed as well educated, but more importantly, we faithfully serve Christ to the best of our ability
However, my friend simply sought for me to “put her mother in her place” while her Mother felt secure in her position of thought
The Holy Spirit spoke very clearly as I was asked on my beliefs, and He simply reminded me of a verse I adore “love never fails.”
I then, as usual, had a choice. I could become defensive or simply allow that viewpoint to wash off me because I learnt a long time ago that everyone could have an opinion, but only God would define me
Friends, as I spoke, I could feel the barricades within the room fall, and there sat before me, was my friend in tears, and her Mother’s heart opened. Speaking from a place of love, meant that words could penetrate the soul rather than the barricades around the heart becoming hardened
I don’t have all the answers, but I know that the world we live in is far from what God desires. It is broken from judgement, greed, and pain
Therefore, my prayer this morning is that the Lord will guide us not to judge another brother or sister, because if we spend time judging another human, we have no time to love them
“Love never fails”
1 Corinthians 13:8
Categories: 2 Corinthians