I love that God is Omnipresent because it means that no matter where life leads, God is always there
However, I was pondering the significance of the verse found in Psalm 16:8, and have you ever thought that the eyes tend to wander? Think about it; our eyes scope our surroundings. They survey the terrain. The eyes were designed to bring into focus what we set our sights on
Yet, David is particular, in that his eyes are fixed on the Lord, because he keeps them focused on God – for David, he is intentional about God’s presence being in his life
But, when David keeps his eyes on the Lord, he understands where God needs to be placed in his life – at the right side
I always wondered why the right hand was mentioned so much throughout Scripture, but the right hand was regarded as the place of honour, but also, it was a position of defence because generally our right hands are used when needing to protect ourselves – so David was saying that with God at his right hand, David was accepting God’s protection instead of his own, and therefore, knew he would not be shaken because God is supreme, and understood Who God is
Friends, I want to encourage you today, that no matter where you find yourself know that God is there with you, and if invited into those circumstances, He will be there for you as you surrender to His protection
“I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”
Psalm 16:8
Categories: Psalm