John the Baptist was everything that we need to be and more. He understood the importance of genuine humility by decreasing his status within the Nation to be able to fully exalt Jesus the Messiah
John the Baptist always knew that he was preparing the way for Christ’s coming (just like us) but it’s realising that no matter how large our influence becomes, that we need always to be pointing others to Jesus
It always has been, and always will be, be about Jesus
I love that John the Baptist uses the word ”must” – it’s not a choice, but a requirement from God Himself, because if Jesus’ influence is to increase within our sphere of influence (whether it reaches to our homes, our family, community, nation, or the world) then we need to realise – like John the Baptist – that for the world to glorify Jesus, we ”must” decrease less and less so that it is not us being glorified instead of Him
This is why John the Baptist shows true humility. It wasn’t diminishing what he had accomplished within the Nation, but celebrating the fact that he was human, and Jesus was God. Therefore, John has an earthly authority whereas Jesus has a heavenly one
Friends, when Jesus increases in our lives and shows other people God’s light through us, it brings joy, contentment, and peace in our lives
We cannot give everlasting life – but God will
We cannot bring people healings, miracles, signs and wonders, but God can, from us
We cannot bring another person true love, peace, joy, kindness, goodness etc., but God does, through us
John the Baptist ran the race to prepare people’s hearts to receive God’s truth in Jesus Christ, and he passed on the baton without a moments delay
We too, are also running this race, but we must understand what John the Baptist understood…
Humility is not thinking less of ourselves because we are made in the image of God after all, but we must think of ourselves less because Jesus is God, and we are not
“He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less.”
John 3:30
Categories: John
Very useful for my personal relationship with God !!
I am so glad this spoke to you 🙌🏼 God bless