Someone asked me recently why I love Jesus so much? This is why
The world is filled with so much chaos that I imagine it as a rough sea – the waves battering us over and over again, as we are being tossed from one direction to another, but always at risk of being cast away at any point
Now, imagine, us, as a ship in that sea, and that to me, pictorially, is life and why an anchor is vital to keep us sure and steady in the storms that we encounter
Therefore, Jesus is my Hope, He is my anchor in the storms of this world, and Hebrews 6:19 brings this beautiful notion that no matter what life throws at us, Jesus will hold us firm and secure through them, and that is why I love Him so much
Friends, this anchor is all about the Grace of God, the mediation of Christ to the Father on our behalf, and the power that comes from having the Holy Spirit walk with us daily – accepting this anchor within life’s daily battles grounds us within the Hope that is to come
Jesus is my everything, and I pray that He becomes this for you too
“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.”
Hebrews 6:19
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