Every day, we have a choice…This is a choice to serve either God, or ”the world”
Last night, Sarai was asking questions which, as usual, turn into theological discussions, but Kieren and I have always remained united that we will never lie to her about the choices she will have to make, as she continues to head into adulthood (within a context that she can understand) regarding God, and the world
But, God continued this conversation with me in the early hours of this morning to reaffirm the choices we make, and in a sense, have to make, daily, as individuals, and/or as families, to remain close to God
So, I want to encourage you with the choices I make, personally…
The world has told me that I am worthless. Yet, I choose God because He told me I am priceless
The world has told me that I am a failure. Yet, I choose God, because He told me that I am victorious
The world has told me that I am unloved. Yet, I choose God, because He told me that I am loved beyond measure
The world has told me that money is the key to a happy life. Yet, I choose God, because He continues to show me that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life
I could go on with the choices I make. Sometimes, I now make these choices without even realising, because I believe what the Word of God says, and what He shows me through prayer, and walking with the Holy Spirit
Friends, God has shown me that there are many of us still being deceived by the temptation of the world. Our thoughts and feelings, and even our decisions, need to be filtered through a simple question: ”What would Jesus do?” because asking this, can, sometimes, be a matter of life or death for us spiritually
So today, I encourage you to think…
Who do you choose?
“But if you refuse to serve the Lord, then choose today whom you will serve.”
Joshua 24:15
Categories: Encouragement