It still amazes me that people can think of the Bible as a smorgasbord. It’s the book that provides a five-course feast, and yet, rather than feasting on the whole Word, we’d rather skip to the dessert
Honestly, I used to hate the dreaded ”E” word – Evangelism is something I struggled with for a long time because I hated when someone would try to speak to me about Jesus (I was an atheist)
Therefore, as soon as I realised (very quickly) what their end goal was, I would either walk away (if in a good mood) or verbally tear a strip of them (if my day was not so great)
Then, fast forward to when I found Christ, the dreaded ”E” word came up again, and it felt like my worst nightmare being asked to tell people about Jesus
In truth, I hadn’t discovered what discipleship meant. I assumed that Christianity was living a life where you wanted to be kind to people, and simply to read your Bible
Yet, discipleship is a call to become devoted to your teacher. In other words, to follow all of their ways
Friends, we have a call to the Great Commission. Jesus called us, His disciples because that meant there is a cost to follow Him – it’s His will above our own
The word, ”Christian” was just a derogatory term that the Romans used towards Jesus’ followers. Within the Bible, there are no guidelines to being a ”Christian”; however, if you look at what Jesus says in the Bible regarding His followers or Disciples, there’s a vast difference! So, my question today is:
Are we a Christian, or a Disciple? Do we seek out God? Do we pick up our cross each day and ask Jesus, ”what’s next?”?
When I realised the difference between a Christian and Disciple, it changed me. No more could I sit back and watch the ”Jesus-freaks” do their thing, because honestly, when I started to form a deeper relationship with God, and also, when He began to show me who I am in Him, I became one myself
If we understand Jesus to be Lord, and Saviour of our lives, then Discipleship means to follow Jesus’ ways, and that simply means: loving God and loving others.
Never be ashamed of the Gospel and the radical things it can do for people because I am a walking example of this!
”For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile.” Romans 1:16
Categories: Book Promotion