My book, ”Life’s Greatest Battles,” was written from my heart to see everyone walk in the freedom that Christ died for
The Scripture from John 8:36 spoke to me deeply, because it came from a revelation that, actually, Jesus sets us free, completely! That’s…
Free from pain
Free from suffering
Free from addictions
Free from the enemy
Free from all sin…
…just not in this lifetime…and that right there, was my revelation
You see, the enemy has been very smart with the lies and deceit that he has spoken to us. Whether that is from the world itself, or at the point of whispering in our ear at our darkest moments in life.
But, this has bought about generations of people being held captive in invisible chains, because most of us think we have found freedom, as we have given our lives to Christ
Yet, we still walk around with offence and anger, or we might always compare ourselves with others. There might be issues with us spending money we don’t have and not understanding why, or even not wanting to tithe. Maybe we don’t want to wait to have sex before marriage, or we react a certain way towards sex. The fact is, unfortunately, there are many more lies, because we have blended God’s truth, with the world’s reality
Friends, I have written this book to tackle the strongholds in our lives that we are comfortable with, or maybe, we don’t even realise that they have been embedded within our belief system. Yet these lies we speak from has broken relationships, destroyed marriages, and for some, also ended our faith
The truth is, for many of us, we are still broken, and John 8:36 declares that when the Son sets us free – we are free indeed.
It’s time to walk in freedom, by becoming aware of satan’s lies, and then replacing it with the Word of God
Jesus never said the life we live in this world would be easy, but He has promised eternal life free from all bondage
“Life’s Greatest Battles” brings awareness to the lies, so that we that we will start to receive breakthrough. This is the freedom that John 8:36 speaks of
This book goes through the strongholds that has broken society and continues to do so, but ultimately, how we break free of them
– Out in October 2019
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