One of my most significant aims in life has been to seek God, by seeking His presence in my world.
It’s not about the fragrance of the Lord, goosebumps upon goosebumps, or a wave coming continuously, pulsing over your body etc. – although I love those things and everything else – I’m not talking about any manifestation of heaven here on earth. But it’s what God helps me to achieve throughout life when I am continuously focused on His will, not my own.
I want to live with God by my side. I want to turn to Him at every opportunity, and allow His wisdom to be reflected in my life, but also, that I can look back and see my ”God journey, ” because I know that where I am in life, is simply a reflection of obedience from my part, but also God’s goodness and grace for me.
Friends, we live in a time where we can ask Mr. Google anything, Alexa can help our kids with their homework, or we can go on YouTube for the latest TedTalk, or message from one of the Mega Churches around the world, but are we continually seeking God, Himself?
The Scripture in 1 Chronicles 16:11 puts simply what God’s desire is for all of us
We can gloss over the words used in Scripture, but nothing is by accident. God uses the words ”search” and ”seek” – although we can use them in a similar context, they are very different.
To seek, is to find something you are trying to look for, yet know it exists.
To search, is to know where you have to go to find it, but there is no implication of where it is.
We may go through seasons where we seek God and find Him, and know that His strength is what ultimately got us through. We may also go through times in our lives, where we search, and it feels like we are all alone…but the commonality here is – are we are trying?
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