Rebekah was a faith-filled woman. She was someone who chose to put her trust in God, even though, to those around her, her choice may have seemed ridiculous.
In western society today, people would think that Rebekah was crazy (I do) – she intended to travel with a man whom she had never met before now, and live in a land that she did not know, to marry someone whom she’d never spoken to – let alone seen in person
There was no ”swipe right” to confirm or disregard a face. No social media ”stalking” to check out that person’s whereabouts over the last six months. Or maybe a coffee date in a well-known store, to ensure that people would have seen them together…
Rebekah made a split-second decision that would affect the course of History because when she was asked a question, she did not hesitate.
How many of us today, are still praying about an opportunity that we were asked about?
God prepares us for our destination. That doesn’t necessarily mean that we will get a memo with the manifesto on. However, there is usually peace surrounding that crazy idea.
Am I saying, that behind every life-changing decision, is God – no I am not. But, God will speak to your Spirit, and deep within, you will know, without question, that this is from God
So my question to you is…if you know this is of God…
Will you go?
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