To say, ”I’m sorry” is probably the most powerful thing we can do for another person
Because…it changes everything…
It can bring peace, joy, and forgiveness in our lives, after the torment of hatred, has been spiralling in our hearts.
Those words, allow Christ in, and the enemy out because anger and frustration lead down a one-way street.
It allows reconciliation, even after years of separation, because the past should remain where it’s supposed to be
But most importantly…
It brings healing to our soul
God reminded me this morning, of the power of letting go of what was, to step into what is to come.
We need to allow God to work through our messy lives because He shows us that forgiveness is the key to life.
No one is perfect…except the One who has already forgiven us
”Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32
Categories: Encouragement