So many people write about the difficulties and heartaches of life – myself included.
We’re told that we’re not promised an easy ride in life – whether we have a relationship with Christ or not.
And then there are the grey days, the dull routine days of life, when nothing much happens. To others, these days are the ones where they find comfort or reassurance that there are no surprises with bills or health issues.
But in life, we also have days that stand out to us, like that sunset that takes our breath away, our child’s first step, celebrations, or maybe the first time you see your future partner.
The days that make priceless memories are the days when we laugh and sing and celebrate with each other.
That is our nature though, when things are going well, we feel happy and then when the tough times hit, depression kicks in but we are told time and time again that our perspective is not God’s perspective.
True joy transcends our circumstances because God has given us things to always find joy throughout everyday life – even on the greyest days.
The snowflake that falls on your nose. The sound of the ocean. Lambs jumping around in their meadow on a spring evening. A cheerful person you see walking past in the street. Your baby’s first smile. Coffee with a friend. A new book to read. Coffee whilst reading a book. Coffee. Did I mention coffee? The smell of chocolate cake baking in the oven. The list is endless.
Jesus had joy in his heart which he wanted us all to share.
When our lives are intertwined with His, He will help us see the joy in everything and will keep us level-headed, no matter what our circumstances, daily.
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