Previously I was someone who always wanted to know “what’s next”; (I think sometimes I drove my Husband crazy) but Gods calls us to mystery and this is something that I have learned to love – over time.
Once upon a time, I would open Christmas presents under the tree and then wrap them up again because I didn’t like surprises – I had been let down so many times…I wanted to be in control.
Then I realised that to build faith, I must first, trust.
Did I trust in God, more than I trusted myself?
We walk by faith not by sight because there are many mysteries in this World and some we will never discover their truths BUT I serve a loving, all-knowing, all-powerful God and therefore surely, putting my faith, my trust, in Him means the journey becomes exciting and I have stopped worrying about what “lies ahead” because He knows.
Categories: 1 Corinthians