“There were large trees all around me, and I saw a picture of embers floating in the night sky. Then, as I looked down, the fire near where I stood was burningout, and I watched the smoke as it gently rose to meet the dancing embers.”
This is what I believe the Lord said regarding this vision for 2022…
The embers represent the Christian’s who continue to walk in faith and obedience, but I felt that so many feel an overwhelming sense of “hopelessness” for the year ahead. Yet, God showed me that there is still an expectancy deep within our hearts for what God is about to do
The fire is the church itself dying within the weight of legalism. This is from the natural weight that has been set within the governmental parameters around the world. However, I saw that the smoke represented the prayers of the righteous, and although the fire was dying, I believe that there are still opportunities for the church to be revived with the breath of God, and spiritually the church will be once again fanned into flame
The trees represent the leaders within the church who are currently interceding for Christ’s bride – I see these prayers are rising. These people are interceding for God to move, and they are presently the ones surrounding and protecting the church as a whole
Scripture shows us that there is a time where many will turn away from their faith and will betray and even hate each other. Sadly, we can see that Christian’s are starting to turn on each other. Families are being torn apart, and through the COVID restrictions, Christian’s are even accepting the subrogation of “vaxed” and “unvaxed” people
Friends, I believe God says in 2022 that this is the year of fanning the embers within ourselves into flame. Yes, the church will rise once more, but the embers from the fire are waiting for the Spirit of God to come onto us individually and fan us into flame as a collective. The enemy thinks that trying to put out the fire is the way forward by taking away our meeting places or restricting numbers, but he forgets that the church is the people
Jesus changed the world with twelve people, and He said that with the Holy Spirit, we would do even greater things
Therefore, this needs to be our prayer for 2022 because we have lost the fear of the Lord. Social media of endless voices have replaced the stillness of God’s voice within our lives. It’s time to replace complacency with a fresh wind. To pray daily. To devote time to seek God diligently and remember those who were fanned into a flame of days past
It’s time for Jesus’ bride to get down on her knees and cry out for the breath of God. We must remember that it only takes one ember to set a fire, but in this vision, I saw that there were many embers set alight, so let’s pray that many will be reignited in 2022
Categories: Prophetic Words