There are so many false gods in the world…
So many people are blinded to this fact because I look at other religions and weap. The requirements. The demands. The pressures.
Yet, people then ask me about my “religion”, and I smile. Christianity isn’t a religion. It’s simply having faith in Jesus Christ – that He is the Saviour of my soul. That He died and rose again, and that He is a part of the Trinity, which is One God in three distinct characters
I have had to learn that my God is different over the years. He is the God who forgives. He saves. He restores. He loves
There is NO OTHER god who delights to show mercy! There is no other god who came down off their throne to save their children because simply, there is no other god like Him
Friends, God is waiting for us living in this unjust world to act justly. He wants His children to stand out for being merciful, and in a world of pride and self-sufficiency, we need to walk humbly with God
Scripture shows us that God wants us to ultimately to love Him, and love others, so that we begin to affect our homes, our society, and our world
It’s time to stand. To rise. To have a voice in our actions
When we face other people who live by false gods, it is not about proving who is right or wrong (because one day that will be clear to see). It’s more that Christian’s who follow Jesus, walk with the Holy Spirit and remain close with the Father will change the world, but not by shouting the loudest, but by forgiving those who have hurt them, and showing others God’s unfailing love
“Where is another God like you, who pardons the guilt of the remnant, overlooking the sins of his special people? You will not stay angry with your people forever, because you delight in showing unfailing love.”
Micah 7:18
Categories: Micah