I have come to love sharing my testimony, but for so long, I felt ashamed of the journey I have taken, up until a few years ago
It wasn’t until I wrote my book “Life’s Greatest Battles” that I realised just how much freedom God has given me, but it has since allowed me to empower others all around the world to find comfort within some of my testimony, that they can do the same
Have you ever heard the phrase:
Hurt people…hurt people
Honestly, this phrase is so accurate. Even today, I am sure it wouldn’t be too hard for us to think of a person or even people within our lives that have hurt us in some way. Yet, it’s coming to understand that in their brokenness, they react, and they speak from
This phrase is such a deficit mindset though, because anyone can find the dirt in someone’s life or even within our own lives. I mean, how easy is it to think of our failings?
Yet, that is not what Jesus modelled to us. He never bought shame on others by pointing out their faults. He spoke life into individuals to empower them to walk in God’s truths
When I cried out to God, He met me where I was, and He continually spoke into my being. No matter how much my brokenness tried to scream into my ears, He would relentlessly prophetically declare into my soul. What was head knowledge from year’s of pain and suffering was replaced with heart knowledge of my true identity
Could I change the past? Absolutely not. But my future was as a Child of God, and therefore, I began to choose to walk in that freedom
Friends, empowered people, empower others. We need to learn not to be ashamed of things of the past because our victories allow others to stand on our shoulders as they discover those truths for themselves
Let’s not partner with the mind games of the enemy, but understand that God has predestined each one of us to walk in the freedom that Christ died for, and therefore, today, let’s encourage and equip someone to do the same
“You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others.”
2 Timothy 2:2
Categories: 2 Timothy