I always try to imagine what it would have been like to be walking, with God, in Eden. To have experienced a world of pure beauty. To have seen perfection beyond what we can comprehend in our minds today. No fear…No comparison…No shame…No sin…and yet, here we are, post-Genesis 3 when the world God created, changed forever
Yesterday, I reread Psalm 119, and it filled my soul with peace and joy. Mainly because it confirms that no matter how bad this world gets, God’s Word is still true and perfect. So, as long as I stay close to Him, I remember to look towards what is to come, rather than the strains of life
This world tries to convey perfection in the most perverse ways. The striving. The yearning. The demanding toll of never feeling enough. Perfection in this world is incomplete. It’s finite, only because, the day that sin entered, it meant that everything was measurable
Yet, our God shows us in His word, that He invites us to step into a ”new way” with Him. To find rest…peace…and unconditional love that leads us to new levels of perfection
Perfection in God is complete, and it has no limits, but until such time that He takes us home for eternity, I pray that you will be encouraged to stay faithful to God, stay close to Him, and keep your eyes on Jesus
“Even perfection has its limits, but your commands have no limit.”
Psalm 119:96
Categories: Psalm
hey thanks 4 ur post and i am feeling very low and it helps me cope wen u send me that inspiration
Keep your eyes on Jesus 🙌🏼