The Lord has been speaking to me about the need for all of the ”Peter’s” in the world to rise. God is calling all the natural-born leaders to step out of the boat and be bold in the areas of influence where He has placed you
Just like Peter, you need to immediately follow Jesus when you hear the call because of the urgency for the world to wake up (Romans 13:11) – DO NOT WAIT
God is calling all the Peter’s to draw near to Him, and to have that intimate relationship you were created for, because the call to be Fishers of Men will only be effective once you know where to LEAD HIS PEOPLE too
God is calling you to have courage. At first, the Apostle Peter was able to walk on water, but his attention was quickly diverted. God is saying that the call is to continue to walk by faith and not by sight. The things we don’t see are always more powerful than the things we do. Not matter what is to come…DO NOT LOSE FAITH
Apostle Peter was known as the disciple who denied Jesus three times. It was recorded in all four Gospels, and therefore, needs to be noted. But, although you may have had moments of spectacular failure, God is reminding you, this morning, that it doesn’t mean there’s no way back for you. Jesus redeems and restores, and today, Jesus is telling you that any failure hasn’t disqualified you from the role you will play
Acts 4:13 shows that Peter became fearless to proclaim the Gospel. Peter didn’t have a fancy education, and he wasn’t from a well-known family, but knowing Jesus gave him the courage to SPEAK WITH BOLDNESS. God is calling you to do the same
The call for Peter’s is for ordinary people to go and do extraordinary things for the Kingdom of God because you BELONG TO HIM
“Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.”
Matthew 16:18
Categories: Prophetic Words
thanks so much 4 that…….i just need 2 speak 2 u…..i am crying……..